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Writer's pictureAlexia

September is here and what a summer it has been!

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

What a summer it has been and here at OTYA we have been so busy!!

Let me tell you what we have achieved this July & August...

Our time to get fit, funded by Active Surrey with the amazing Louis Hollingsworth teaching, completed its 3rd term, so far engaging over 70+ young people across the 3 terms, I am so proud of this project, it has helped so many young people get active again, socialise and get FIT whilst having the most fun, the feedback has been AWESOME!

86% attendance (a lot to do with isolating due to symptoms)

100% positive feedback and refer to a mate

100% Enjoyment

Stats to smile about! Please check out the feedback page for some of the awesome things said about this great course, we are looking forward to the final term starting in September - keep you eyes peeled for the new location, date and times :)

OTYA & CLUB4 Summer Camp, funded by Active Surrey, was delivered from 2nd - 12th August in Queens Park, Caterham for children on free school meals, completely FREE!

What an amazing experience it was, we had 40 spaces and we filled 36, meaning that over the 8 days we facilitated 126 healthy meals to children from the Tandridge borough.

The camp itself was a mix of fitness, creative arts and team games alongside some mental health talks and nutrition games.

I am super proud and want to give huge thanks to the staff and volunteers who I could not have done this without! A extra special thank you to @_beesbakes

for providing all the picnic style lunches for the children, they were delicious and super healthy!

Please take a moment to look at some of the amazing pictures taken and also the feedback, it was a EPIC 8 days and I will never forget the giggles and memories made!

92% attendance (mainly due to isolation due to symptoms)

100% positive feedback from young people

100% would take part again

100% parental gratitude and feedback

100% enjoyment

Stats to be proud of! We will be running more camps like this in the coming school holidays, please subscribe to keep up to date with all the projects we offer.

I have also been delivering coaching and mentoring for young people in person and online, it has been a really busy 2 months for me with 7 new clients but I am so grateful to be able to help so many young people get their strength and sense of being back, after the last 18 months young peoples mental health is suffering really bad, some of the conversations I have have been heart breaking but again, I am super grateful to be in a position to help out!

What's NEXT I hear you say.....

LOADS :D I literally have such a busy month ahead....

I will be launching my new ADULT mental health course - Covid Fatiuge!

This course is designed to help parents over-stand their own mental health, take some time for themselves by learning meditation, grounding and other techniques for mindfulness and also inner-stand the issues some of their children may be facing.

It will be free for the first course, up to 20 adults on zoom, thereafter there will be a charge - please email me direct at for more information and start dates and times.

Move 2 Improve will be launching again FINALY! After 2 terms and a short gap while our new teacher gets ready to deliver, I am delighted to say we will be running the project for Surrey Young Carers in Dorking and also for Surrey Dance 21 at Three Rivers Academy in Elmbridge from September, I am SO excited to get this project moving again, it is so important at this time to get young people accessing mental health projects but also giving them back what they love - TO DANCE! I will also be offering M2i on Zoom for young people up and down the country so no child is left behind, please subscribe or follow us on Instagram for details and dates.

Back to school - yes we are BACK too, after 6-8 weeks off (depending if your school reached the end) I am delighted to say I will be back with my wonderful assistant Niye and our local Youth Engagement Officer Sarah Adams of Surrey Police to deliver RU OK? our mental health course and also Identity, our anti-social behaviour awareness, this will be delivered to young people in the 3 high schools in Tandridge but also the 3 alternative education settings in Reigate and Banstead.

Finally, if you follow me and watch my stories on Instagram you will know that I am a huge activist for freedom and an advocate and voice for our youth! Over the past few months we have been marching up and down the country to raise awareness regarding the jab and the pending v passport. I am extremely passionate about stopping both these things from happening and I URGE anyone reading this to do the same...why? read on....

  • The jab has NOT been approved by the FDA (overseeing company of what we put in our bodies) it has only been approved for emergency use under the guise of a pandemic, the pandemic was scaled down officially on the government website on the 28th March 2020, you can see that for under this regulation they are trading this jab illegally!

  • The makers of the jab have themselves come out to say that they can NOT guarantee this will NOT effect fertility in humans! It is also causing mass blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and much more....its on their side effects list, can you risk that?

  • Did you know that every ferret in the animal testing stages DIED?

  • Did you know that on the governments own website you can access what's called the YELLOW CARD DATA, this shows you between 1-10% of how many people have sadly died or had adverse reactions to the jab, there are over 1500 people who have died so far and over a MILLION adverse reactions recorded at A&E - but wait, if its 1-10% how many people does this equate too in real life terms - 15'000 possible deaths and 12million adverse reactions - that is scary stuff!!

  • Children have little to no chance of dying from CV, 99.9973% to be precise (gov uk website for stats) and under 50 children have sadly died from this virus and ALL OF THEM had serious underlying health conditions.

  • If most of the vulnerable and adult population have already been jabbed - why do we need to jab kids? HERD IMMUNITY is what has been created...

Please just read, research and switch off the news, they are creating mass hysteria and propaganda and lying to us all.

So I don't finish on the doom and gloom of the current agenda let me finish by saying this...

This time will pass, we will win the war we are fighting, it is a honour to stand with and beside so many warriors who are fighting for our children's future rights and freedoms, we will win this, we got this and LOVE & LIGHT will always prevail!

That's all for this month, I hope you all enjoy getting back to school and work, it can sometimes be difficult to return when you've been off for so long, you've got this!!

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